Episode 15 – Work-From-Home Mom & Make-Up Artist Lori Hogg
Common Sense Choices Episode #15. Linda interviews make-up artist and stylist Lori Hogg who left New York City to return home to Louisville, KY where she began her own business. As a new single mom she shares the lessons she learned along the way and the extreme importance of developing a good team of people to help you. Delegation allows you to soar and not get bogged down in the details that don’t showcase your gifts and talents. She also shares about her new ministry https://kallahculture.com and their special Instagram account https://instagram.com/lrworship
Linda also introduces her first Common Sense Choices partner – AdrenaFem, a new product from Dr. Lena Edwards: https://adrenalogix.com/adrenafem. Use promo code LT5 to get $5.00 off through the month of April
Homework: Check out Lori’s subscription service at https://lorihogg.com also consider booking her for a live or virtual group event.